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Ilustración de Virgie Pyrate |
Logré que uno de mis compañeros de hostería —un soldado más valiente que Plutón— me acompañara. Al primer canto del gallo emprendimos la marcha; brillaba la luna como el sol a mediodía. Llegamos a unas tumbas. Mi hombre se para; empieza a conjurar astros; yo me siento y me pongo a contar las columnas y a canturrear. Al rato me vuelvo hacia mi compañero y lo veo desnudarse y dejar la ropa al borde del camino. De miedo se me abrieron las carnes; me quedé como muerto: Lo vi orinar alrededor de su ropa y convertirse en lobo.
Lobo, rompió a dar aullidos y huyó al bosque.
Fui a recoger su ropa y vi que se había transformado en piedra.
Desenvainé la espada y temblando llegué a casa. Melissa se extrañó de verme llegar a tales horas. “Si hubieras llegado un poco antes”, me dijo, “hubieras podido ayudarnos: Un lobo ha penetrado en el redil y ha matado las ovejas; fue una verdadera carnicería; logró escapar, pero uno de los esclavos le atravesó el pescuezo con la lanza.”
Al día siguiente volví por el camino de las tumbas. En lugar de la ropa petrificada había una mancha de sangre.
Entre en la hostería; el soldado estaba tendido en un lecho. Sangraba como un buey; un médico estaba curándole el cuello.
Satiricón, cap. LXII
Translated by Verónica Arciniegas
I persuaded one of my inn partners –a soldier braver than Pluto- to go with me. When the first cock crowed we began the journey, the moon shone like the sun at noon. We arrived at some graves. My friend stood up, he started to conjure stars. I sat down and I began to count the columns while I was crooning. After a while, I turned to my partner and I saw him get undressed and put the clothes on the roadside. I was horrified, I felt like a dead man. I saw him urinating around his clothes and becoming a wolf.
Wolf, burst into howls and ran away to the forest.
I went to pick up his clothes and I saw they were transformed into stone.
I drew my sword and arrived home shaking. Melissa was surprised to see me returning at such an hour. “If you would have arrived a little earlier” she told me, “you would have been able to help: a wolf has penetrated into the fold and killed the sheep, it was a real massacre, he managed to escape but one of the slaves went through his neck with a spear.
The next day I went back on the path of the graves. Instead of the petrified clothes, there was a blood stain.
I entered the inn; the soldier was lying on a bed. Bled like an ox; a doctor was curing his neck.
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