como si volvieran las alucinaciones de otros tiempos. Y como a propósito, a pesar
de que ya estaban a fines de marzo, nevaba todos los días y el viento zumbaba
en el bosque como si fuese invierno. No se creía que la primavera llegaría
alguna vez. El tiempo predisponía al tedio, a las peleas, al odio, y por las
noches, cuando el viento silbaba sobre el techo, le parecía que alguien vivía
allá arriba, en el piso vacío, y poco a poco las visiones empezaban a agobiar
mente, la cabeza le ardía y no podía conciliar el sueño.
Antón Chéjov
"El asesinato"
Biblioteca Básica Salvat, Salvat Editores, 1970, p. 97

It looked as though his dreaminess were coming over him again. And as ill-luck would have it, although it was the end of March, every day it kept snowing, and the forest roared as though it were winter, and there was no believing that spring would ever come. The weather disposed one to depression, and to quarrelling and to hatred and in the night, when the wind droned over the ceiling, it seemed as though someone were living overhead in the empty storey; little by little the broodings settled like a burden on his mind, his head burned and he could not sleep.
Anton Chekhov, "The Murder"
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